The Wall

by | Oct 31, 2018

It’s always there. Mostly unseen. Invisible. And when it does make my radar I ignore it because that’s my way. When I choose to see it I just go over or around it.

This month I hit it hard. I didn’t walk. I ran right into it. And the lights went out before they flickered.

Too many soundbites. Too few conversations. Too many miles. And high beams blinding me. My list of fantasies – well, I simply ran out of ink and paper. Am paying for it now.

I don’t have to do everything. Or be everywhere. Or be available. But I do need to see. Feel. To pay attention. And I didn’t. Am paying for it now.

The shadow the ever-present shadow. The light so bright that I cover my eyes. Leaving just enough darkness that I can see all of it.

I want more of the things that make me tired. And fewer of those that wear me out.

All This By Hand