Next One

by | Feb 22, 2018

I finished this one Tuesday but got bored with the Nikon so will only post these few. And a bonus image. (Cardinal Egan: “Which doesn’t belong and why?”) The rest, if I get motivated, will go up tomorrow. The thing about making things is that, if you make them long enough they begin to run into each other. To overlap. The last three start reminding you of the last nine. But your head is always on the next two. Or that gem you’re getting ready to throw into the science oven in March when you’re head’s cleared and you’re 200% centered. But and everyone has a big but – you still have the daily suffer. The one on your bench that’s 9/10ths done and you really need to nail it shut because you know the client is following your every 1s and 0s move. So you do – you do finish it. You box it up. Call @bikeflights. Let JB know what color it’s gonna be. Give him the serial number. And start thinking about the next client and what’s needed for his three days of your life’s work.​​

I’m almost finished too with my list. I expect to nail that one shut by early 2019. If I stay hungry. And motivated. And then, after all these years, I can fully dissemble the machinery, deconstruct the operating system, take four days off, maybe a full week, spend some time at the electric beach, get some color and work on the tan lines, and get ready to hit the reset button. That. Will. Be. So. Swell.

All This By Hand