Color Brochure

by | May 8, 2020

My middle nineties brochure. An evolved version of a B+W one printed several years prior. The words were written in 1990 to accompany a half-page print ad I was running in VeloNews. They were tweaked for both brochures, mostly to correct for timing and proper nouns.

This one in 4 color was a trip and four fifths. It has 10 panels, printed both sides, and the heavy coated paper stock had to be scored and manipulated so the folds allowed each panel to nest comfortably in all the others. Hats off to whatever technology produced that outcome.

We did all the storyboards using old an fashion-y analog design studio process. Then, because we planned to use this newfangled digital printing everyone was all wet and sticky about, each art file had to be – doh – digitized. 1996 was way to the left side of the developmental timeline.
After one failed printing run in which some of the color transitions went sideways, we accepted the next batch of one thousand. These were self-mailers so my task included printing Dennison labels on a word processor each time one would be mailed. I had to learn myself this method.
By the time these articles of RS information, fluff, and self-absoprtion began to circulate and make a difference, something came along and made all of it redundant. There was this thing called the internet. And by the turn of the century websites became the next delivery system.

All This By Hand